Tuesday 11 September 2012

The Punisher #15 Review

Punisher #15 Review

Written by Greg Rucka
Art by Marco Checchetto
Colours by Matt Hollinsworth


After watching the Punisher and Cole-Alves kill the woman he loves – Ex A.I.M. Scientist Stephanie Gerard – Christian Poulson goes a batshit, calls 911 and goes on a killing spree. Meanwhile, Detectives Ozzy Clemons and Walter Bolt are sharing hot dogs on the street when the call comes in and they head to the scene. Coulson sends out the sole survivor of his killing spree to the cops and blows him up with a grenade. The cops throw in some tear gas and he in. In the ensuing fire-fight, Coulson is killed and the Punisher and Cole-Alves escape.


Wow – action packed issue. I'm really enjoying the mentor/mentee relationship between Frank and Cole-Alves and the exchange between Clemons and Bolt outside the building makes the end even more powerful.

For me, though, it's the art that really stands out in this issue. Checchetto's depiction of Poulson's killing spree is both shocking and powerful in it's delivery and the tear gas scenes in the last 5 pages are brilliant. I also loved the way he drew the reaction in Rachel's eyes when she pulls off the gas mask and finds that she's either shot the wrong guy, or the just who she shot in general – I haven't decided which.


With the series ending next issue, I'll be sad to see it go. I loved Greg Rucka's writing and especially the relationship between Rachel and Frank. I'll definitely be checking out the War Zone mini-series when that is released. Definitely check this series out.

Read this issue? Let me know! I'd love to hear your thoughts. Leave a comment or hit me up on Twitter. Cant wait to hear from you. 


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