Monday 27 August 2012

Invincible Iron Man #523 Review

Invincible Iron Man #523 Review

Story by Matt Fraction
Art by Salvador Larroca
Colours by Frank D'Armata

Story: Stark Resilient launches The Swarm. Pepper chases the new Iron Man through Seattle. Mandarin readies his Titanomechs. Tony tries to make some friends. Jarvis goes nuts.

Review: I haven't been reading this title for long and, to be honest, I've found it a little hard to get into but that could be the movies colouring my judgement (I love the movies). Fraction's writing is excellent as ever and Larroca's art is top-notch as ever – especially the titanomechs. I just have one tiny niggle: Pepper's immediate conclusion that the new Iron Man is Rhodey because his foot is black. As Wyche rightly points out “What, there's only one African-American man qualified to pilot the Iron Man so it's got to be Rhodey, who you saw die? Yeah, that's not racist at all.”

Conclusion: A solid issue. Worth a read but it's probably best if you start from #521.

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